Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Don't own an iPod? Join the club!

Hi again! I would just like to share with the world what I do to listen to music. I don't own an iPod, but I really want the iPod Touch (who doesn't?!?). So the question is, how do I listen to music. The answer is:! Most people don't know what Pandora is, but it is an online radio that you personalize to your sense of music. For example, I have a radio station on my Pandora account for music similar to Ke$ha and one for classic rock sounding bands. I really suggest all of you non-iPod owners out there to check out this website!


  1. I have the Pandora app on my iTouch... :) iTouches are AWESOME but if you have AT&T, you should wait until you can get an iPhone, I think. :)
