Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Don't own an iPod? Join the club!

Hi again! I would just like to share with the world what I do to listen to music. I don't own an iPod, but I really want the iPod Touch (who doesn't?!?). So the question is, how do I listen to music. The answer is:! Most people don't know what Pandora is, but it is an online radio that you personalize to your sense of music. For example, I have a radio station on my Pandora account for music similar to Ke$ha and one for classic rock sounding bands. I really suggest all of you non-iPod owners out there to check out this website!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Get to Know Me!

First and foremost, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Casey and I'm just an average tween. That is if you consider a crazy, playful, stubborn, unorganized, music-loving, computer nerd, Irish dancer average. Yes, you read that all right. I have been Irish dancing for 5 1/2 years and absolutely love it! I created this blog to share my passion of music with the world! That's why the title is live, laugh, listen... because you listen to music! Anyways, I think I should tell you more about myself. I have a little sister and her name is Sarah, she is five years old and has a speaking disorder called apraxia. Mushu is my little Yorkshire Terrier and I love him sooooooo much! He is seven years old and his birthday is September 6th! I also have a mom and a dad, but my dad is currently living in Florida due to his new job.

In my blog, I need to keep a clean and a appropriate atmosphere. That is why I ask you to please comment cleanly. I would love it if you emailed me for question, concerns, etc. I DON'T HATE COMMENTS! So don't forget to comment! Also, don't forget to follow me on Twitter! Now I have to go (for now(: ), but before I go you need to remember these things:

~email me at for concerns, questions, suggestion, etc
~follow me on Twitter!
~comment (: